Always Separate User Intent

I’ve had a rule of thumb for data modeling that unfortunately I forget on a regular basis, so I thought I’d write it down to maybe help myself actually use it more.

The rule of thumb is “always separate user intent from derived behavior/business logic”.

This rule is particularly applicable to things like state or status fields, which have a way of becoming “half-user controlled” and “half-system controlled”.

As the most recent example where I’ve run across this, consider a system of tasks for a stereotypical “tasks have predecessors/successor in a project plan”:

In terms of data model, we’ll focus on just a few things:

  • There is a task status field that has three potential values: NotStarted, InProgress, and Complete
  • The requirements state that the system handles all NotStarted <-> InProgress transitions, i.e. it “auto-starts” tasks once preceeding tasks are Complete.
  • However only the user can say “this task is actually done (or not done)”.

An Okay Way

An initial attempt at modeling this is a single Task.status field that is an enum of NotStarted, InProgress, and Complete.

Then we use business logic to do “not rocket science but still somewhat nuanced” things like:

  • Anytime a predecessor task changes maybe change the successor Task’s status, but only if it’s not Complete
  • In the UI, treat status = Complete as “you checked complete” but status = NotStarted | InProgress as “you didn’t check complete”

This is all fine and not that bad, but we end up with a “sometimes the field is written by X and sometimes it is written by Y”:

Which is not terrible, but generally more of a “business logic is hidden in susceptible-to-being-spaghetti ‘push’ code”.

I.e. it’s pretty common in this setup for, if the user unchecks “task is complete”, to forget to re-run the “ah right, set it back to the ‘based on predecessors’ value” logic.

A Better Way

Generally a cleaner way of modeling things is to strictly delineate user intent from derived behavior, i.e.:

  • The user intent of “this is complete yes/no” is it’s own “thing” (database field)
  • The calculated “potential status based on predecessors” logic is it’s own thing (derived field)
  • The calculated combination of “status based on user intent or potential status based on predecessors” is it’s own thing (another derived field)

I.e. our data model would move from having a single status field to:

  • Task.is_complete is a boolean that is directly/always controlled by the user intent to mark “yes, this is/is not done”
  • Task.status_based_on_predecessors (probably not stored/persisted, so not a real column-in-the-db) does the calc of “this task should be InProgress if all predecessors are Complete, otherwise NotStarted
  • Task.status still exists, but is now derived (although likely still persisted for simplicity of reads) by the calculation “if is_complete then Complete else status_based_on_predecessors” i.e. InProgress or NotStarted

This moves the model to be more like a DAG of inputs with nodes of calculated values:

Which makes the application logic more functional, more reactive, rather than if statements sprinkled in various places.

Granted, a separate but tempting tangent is that reactive / data flow paradigms have not generally taken hold on the server-side yet, especially at a “more than just lifecycle hooks within a single micro-service/monolith/ORM codebase” scale, so you still have to generally nudge/wire these derived values together, but I think the end result is still cleaner than the original “fuzzy ownership of a single field” approach.

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