GWT Seamless Deployments

I’m deploying a GWT app on Amazon’s EC2 architecture behind an ELB and wanted to ensure the best experience for users while pushing out new code updates.

This is a short review of my most-likely-accurate findings. It is not well organized and basically a public mind dump vs. a private mind dump to my other team members.

RPC Key Points

I’m not going to review GWT RPC in detail, but the basic points for us are:

  • GWT automatically serializes Java objects to/from JavaScript objects
  • GWT on the server-side will serialize/deserialize:
    1. Anything that implements GWT’s IsSerializable marker interface
    2. Anything that implements Java’s Serializable and is in a serialization policy file (see this faq entry for more details)
  • GWT on the client-side will serialize/deserialize any type it knew about at compile-time

A Typical RPC Request

Here’s what a typical RPC request might look like:

Content-Type: text/x-gwt-rpc; charset=UTF-8
X-GWT-Permutation: 361924868514EB67231B0C48DC4B136A


The interesting thing to notice is the X-GWT-Permutation header–this is the strong name (hash) of the browser/locale/etc. code base the client is currently running.

Case 1: Old Client, New Server

When an old client sends an RPC request to a new server, we would ideally like to fulfill it as long as we haven’t changed the contract of the RPC service it’s interacting with.

GWT’s deserialization execution flow for an old request is something like:

  1. Read in the X-GWT-Permutation header
  2. Try to load the serialization policy file based on the permutation header–however, this will fail because this is a new server that does not have the old serialization policy file
  3. Fall back on LegacySerializationPolicy where only IsSerializable can be deserialized

For this reason, it’s important to still use the old IsSerializable marker interface even though GWT now supports Java’s Serializable.

Also, type name elision cannot be used because it also relies on the serialization policy file.

Then, assuming the RPC contract is the same, everything should still work.

If the RPC contract does change, i.e. the old client tries to use changed/removed functionality, they will get an IncompatibleRemoteServiceException which the GWT client-side code should handle and prompt the user to reload the application.

One additional wrinkle is code split points. If an old client tries to load part of the application it does not have yet, it will use the old code base name, which is no longer on the new server. The client-side GWT.runAsync will fail with a 404 and the application should prompt the user to reload. (See AsyncSplit for how gerrit handles this.)

Case 2: New Client, Old Server

The same scenario above can happen here, when the client has a newer serialization policy strong name than the old server, so the old server falls back to the LegacySerializationPolicy.

However, an added wrinkle is the application bootstrapping process.

A client might:

  1. Request /app.html and get served by either a new or old server (fine so far)
  2. Request /app/module.nocache.js and get served by a new server–this is the GWT bootstrapping code and, based on the user’s browser/locale/etc. combination, it tells the browser to load new-permutation-name.cache.html
  3. Request /app/new-permuation-name.cache.html, however, this request gets served by an old server that only has the old application files
  4. Client gets a 404 and the application bootstrapping stops

I currently know of no way to recover from this scenario. Because the error happens in between the GWT bootstrapping code and your application code, there is not a way for your application code to detect what has happened and recover.

Update: Thanks for Sripathi Krishnan for pointing out the gwt:onLoadErrorFn function where you can prompt the user to reload their browser to recover from this scenario.

For this reason, it’s very important to have a clean switch from old to new versions–no old servers should be serving requests once new servers have come online.


Based on my current understanding, to service both old and new clients during a GWT upgrade as elegantly as possible, you should:

  • Use IsSerializable and no type name elision in the RPC DTOs
  • Handle IncompatibleRemoteServiceException in the RPC AsyncCallbacks
  • Handle 404’s in the runAsync onFailures
  • Minimize/eliminate the window when both old and new servers are available

Any corrections, feedback, etc., is appreciated.

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